Terminal Management

Real-time business intelligence

You need high-quality data to make the most accurate decisions. Having detailed data sets about key performance indicators such as transaction numbers and amounts, payment methods, payment instruments, refunds, and cancellations will facilitate making informed decisions

Terminal Management System

You need high-quality data to make the most accurate decisions. Having detailed data sets about key performance indicators such as transaction numbers and amounts, payment methods, payment instruments, refunds, and cancellations will facilitate making informed decisions

Increase customer satisfaction

Provide a seamless payment experience and increase customer satisfaction with fast and secure payment transactions.

Your command center

One stop for payment tracking, analytics, transaction tracking and more

Online transaction monitoring

Having a 360-degree view of payments received through your terminals will give you a deep analysis capability. You can track all positive, negative, and neutral transactions passing through your terminals. Keep this power in your hands..

Smart Routing

Ensure that payment flows align with your strategy through smart routing. You can decide which payment application your transactions will go through, preempting cashier discretion.


Enjoy valuable insights about payments received through detailed analysis and reporting from your payment terminals. This will make decision-making easier and help you take your business to the next level.

Review the details of the transactions passing through all your terminals in your sales channels.

Get overall reports or drill down to the transaction, branch or payment method level for more detailed analysis

Track business operations with transaction, authentication or payment reports. Create pre-time reports. Stay on top of payments.

RA - TSM services for YN SCs

Enjoy the convenience of automatically handling all device needs throughout its lifecycle with TSM services. You'll be amazed at how practical and fast it is to manage device enrollment and status management.

In addition to automatically generating and sending the reports required by the regulations, it is also possible to receive your own reports with customizable options.

Bring together
the right hardware,
software and services
for the right decisions!